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Complimentary Delivery to much of the UK - see 'Delivery' for details
A small workshop beneath a tree in England.
An anachronism I suppose. Perfectly flawed. An enduring place where I make enduring things.
A warm welcome. Thank you for dropping by. Were we stood face to face, I would greet you with a handshake and the offer of a drink - a cup of tea at the very least and maybe even a biscuit or two. While that's not possible, the sentiment itself most certainly stands!
I do hope that you find some interest here, while I take the opportunity to put a little context to my work.
I make every piece myself; a source of much pleasure and pride. I like simple, well made things - nothing complicated.
I make every piece for myself; that's to say I enjoy the whole journey. From an initial idea or concept (and a good deal of ruminating), to growing the design, selecting the right material and the best way to make it, watching it slowly take shape in my hands, through to the finished product, standing back to cast a critical eye over it. The process has been known to span years - it takes as long as it takes. Being honest, I would part with nothing, but that's just not practical!
It's difficult to categorise what I make. Different things grab me at different times and inspiration can come from the most unlikely of sources. I like that which makes me think, or begs a question. That which compels me to take a second look, that exists against the odds, or that hangs on in there and endures. Simply put, I like things that are different.
Being handmade, as you may expect, pieces have their own individual character. Whether a unique finish or patina, or the graining imparted when being made, each is distinct. As a rule of thumb I make one-offs or small collections - variations on a theme. No two pieces are identical and even pairs or groups will be similar but not exactly the same.
Whilst quality is so very important, millimetre perfect precision engineering is not the aim here - it just doesn't have the right feel. For the most part, I like to work by eye and tend to find this gives a pleasing look. Indeed, it is often the case that the more gnarled, twisted and distressed something is, the more character it posesses and interest it offers.
Basic Tenet
'Look Harder' slow to judge and see beyond the superficial.
For me, the true worth of such work lies in the endeavour itself and in what it stands for. In thoughts provoked and emotions evoked. Experience tells me that if you take the trouble to look properly at someone's work, you have a very good chance of seeing what makes them tick. It's all about that close connection with what you are making. In very much the same way, what we choose to own or surround ourselves with, is, so often, a vivid reflection of our own character and values.
At the heart of my work is the belief that things should last a long time and that the true value of quality will become ever more apparent over the years. It is too often the case, that we are so preoccupied with cosmetic perfection, we fail to see true strength, beauty and merit. Blemishes, scrapes and scars simply bear testimony to what life throws at us each and every day. Decades of reassuring constancy will reveal genuine worth. It is my firm belief that authenticity, character and enduring quality really do count over short-lived, superficial perfection. Embedded in all that I make is the challenge to 'look harder, be slow to judge and see beyond the superficial'.
Each individual piece; Enduring, designed to last a lifetime and to age gracefully over the decades. A steadfast companion through life.
In a nutshell, my work is best enjoyed for what it is and for what it represents - that's to say, simple, well made and distinctive with inner strength and quiet resolve.... be left alone and not fiddled with. To be allowed to age gracefully, build character and tell its own distinct story. From the viewpoint of 'that's how it is, how it's meant to be!'
Hens With Teeth?
More than occasionally it has been said that I work too slowly. I would struggle to disagree (a high-tech new workshop and possibly even another pair of hands would no doubt speed things up, but it's just not me. It's not how I do things, and besides, there isn't the space and I dislike change, so I'll stay as I am). Accordingly, the offerings that you will find here, tend to be limited to a handful of pieces at any given time. As I complete something else, then I will add it as I go. There is only me to make it, so whatever it is, is either a one-off, or part of a small collection - maybe a few variations on a particular theme. This is the only outlet I have for my work, so what you see here, is the extent of what's available at any given time. Having always had poultry around the place, perhaps understandably, I've a soft spot for the saying 'as scarce as hen's teeth', it never fails to makes me smile! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to suggest, that one way or another, that's pretty much the case here.
Historically anything that I, or my family have made or produced, has been sold in person 'from our door'. Times change however. My website is an attempt to bring 'from our door' to you, to let you have a look at what I make and allow you to get a good feel for it. I do my best to give you a firm understanding of pieces offered for sale. A number of pictures and a detailed description of each is provided. Should you be interested in owning any of my work, please do give due consideration as to whether it is the right 'fit' for yourself, the place you intend to put it and the purpose you intend to put it to! Better that you make a well considered purchase that brings many years of pleasure, than to buy in haste and have to ship it up and down the country to no avail.
Nature - Front and Centre!
Much to my delight, the workshop is surrounded by nature. It envelops the place! I manage to find a just enough space to work, which suits me just fine. Sharing what little room there is, with the natural world, has always been so very important. Of course it calls for thoughtfulness and tolerance, but it's no hardship. More often than not, it's simply a case of treading lightly, leaving things be and letting nature get on with it. Even in this small area there is much to see. That which is often considered to be 'common or garden' can be quite intriguing, if only we pause for a moment and take a closer look. Throughout my website you are sure to notice more than the odd mention of resident wildlife and other such things that prove to be a most absorbing distraction - please forgive and indulge me if you will.
Very little around the place goes to waste - it never has. Anything bought or made should last a long time. Care and consideration is given to appropriate material choice and design for both products and packaging. Materials are sourced as locally as is possible and preferably in person, face to face - building firm relationships and making good friends. Much the same as it has always been.
Is a Piece of Work For Me?
Now there's a question only you can answer!
Personally I'm very selective in what I buy. When I do make a purchase, it's both with my heart and my head. I instinctively know what I like, but I check out the details to ensure that I actually get what I think I'm getting.
Maybe you are interested in something different, that 'rare animal' if you like. Something made with passion, by someone who cares about what their work stands for. Maybe you're somone who's fed up with the short-termism of built in redundancy and wants something they can hang their hat on so to speak - a longer term commitment to bring a little constancy to your life. If that's the case, then it could be worth you considering my work. Rest assured that it won't beep at you, need updating to the latest version or require resetting. It's much more a case of relax, leave it be, and enjoy it for what it is. I appreciate that my work is not for everyone, which is merciful, as I typically make only a handful of pieces a year. If you are in two minds as to whether to purchase a piece or not, then my advice to you would be simple - please don't! From a practical point of view, it's quite a job in itself and indeed no little expense, for me to crate and ship much of my work, particularly the larger, heavier pieces. It serves no purpose if you're just not sure. Conversely, if you know your own mind, take a long-term view and are certain that a piece of work is for you, then it is most rewarding to place the right piece with the right individual and for it to be a part of your life for many years to come.
To purchase my work is to accept my challenge to 'look harder, be slow to judge and see beyond the superficial'. Please be patient and allow at least a decade or two before you make any judgement as to its true worth!
Do take a look through my website if you will. There's plenty of information to help you make that well informed decision.
Pleasant deliberations!
I'm not particularly fond of change and I'm not keen on having to get used to new things too often. I tend to get attached to things.... a vehicle, socks, a good pair of boots, a hen, secuteurs, a well balanced hammer, a bicycle; in fact anything and everything that I like, or have found suits my needs. I have little interest in replacing anything that isn't broken or can be fixed. With this in mind, my pieces are made with much thought and care, in the expectation that they will last a long time; for decades, not simply a few years. Central to my work is the importance of inner strength over and above cosmetic perfection, with the belief that the knocks and scrapes acquired over time are key to the character and 'story' of each individual piece. From the outset, knocks, scrapes, scratches and scuffs are inevitable. The important thing, is to carry on and persist, in spite of them. A reflection of a stoic mindset, to dig in and stay the distance! In keeping with this, I readily guarantee that while my faculties and wherewithal allow, I will do my best to help in resolving any issues that are unlikely to arise, in line with the basic tenet that underpins my work.
Should you decide to purchase any of my work, it is my sincere wish that it will bring you many, many, years of enjoyment!
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Wishing you the very best and with kindest regards,
K S Houghton